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Website Help
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If you have questions you would like answered just click or tap on the link to my email address and send your question.
Jill Richey Rohan - Web Hostess -
How can I get the PASSWORD for the website?The password is only for active Kiwi members. You will need to contact your chapter President, the National VP, or another Kiwi. The reason for a password Is to keep members' personal information private.
Where can I find address/contact information for a national officer?Under the BUSINESS tab open the FORMS PAGE. In the introduction paragraph, there is a link to officer information. Tap/click on that link and a page will open with names and addresses of NEB and Support Staff. This is private information, therefore the page is password protected. Don't know the password? Read the password question above.
Where can I find contact information for chapter officers?Under the BUSINESS tab in the menu you'll find the CHAPTER INFORMATION page. Click or tap on it to open the page. You will then be asked for a password. A password is required because this is a public website the contact information for most officers should not be made available to the general public. Now click or tap on the chapter that you are looking for information about.
How do I get around in the website?There is a MENU at the top and bottom of every page. Click/tap on a menu item to open a dropdown menu with a list of pages. Select the page you want to open by clicking/tapping on it. At the bottom of each page you will see a red icon with a white up arrow in it. Tap on this to return to the top of the page. On smartphones there is an icon with three white bars stacked horizontally. Tap on it to open the menu.
What does "Click here" mean and how do I click?When you see blue text that is underlined that means that the text is clickable and will open another document, page, or email. To click with a mouse move the cursor over the blue link and use the left button to Click on the link. You do that by depressing the left button. If you are on a cellphone or a touchscreen device then simply tap on the link with your finger, If you don't know how to use the buttons on your mouse I would suggest watching a YouTube video about how to use a mouse. This one is a 3 minute video and will explain clicking, right clicking and scrolling.
How can I open a link?If you are using a computer then simply left click on anything on the website that is blue and underlined. This is done by placing the cursor of your mouse on the link and clicking (pressing) the left button on the mouse. If you are on a touch screen device (cellphone or tablet) simply tap on the link. The link will open to an email address, open another page on the website, open a newsletter, open a form, or many other things.
How can I print, save, or download a form?If you are on a computer open a form by left clicking on the name of the form. Most forms will open as a PDF. Directly above the actual form is a menu bar. Look for the icons on the right side of the menu bar. If you want to print the form look for the printer icon. Left click on that and it will take you to a print screen. Follow the instructions for your printer. You can also download the file to your computer or share the file by clicking the appropriate icon. On a tablet or phone open a form by tapping on it. Now look (at the top right) for the three dots stacked vertically (called a stoplight icon). and tap on that icon. Another menu will open. Now tap on one of the choices offered. You can... Send the file. Tap on Send file and then choose how and where you would like to send the file. Open with: If you want to use a different format Download: If you want a copy of the file saved to your computer. Print: Tap on the link and follow instructions.
Can I copy a photo from the website?Yes! If you are on a computer go to the image you would like to copy and place the cursor on it. Now right click on the photo. A menu will open. Choose what you would like to do from the menu that just opened.and left click on that choice. (I usually choose "save image as") Now a dialog box will open and you can choose where to save the image and you can rename it if you want. If you are on a touchscreen (long press) tap and hold until menu opens. Tap on option you want. Then choose from the new menu. Most often I will Download or Copy the image. You can use this technique on any image you see on the internet.
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