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2024-2026 National Executive Board
The Kiwi Club is governed by the National Executive Board which in turn, is governed by our National Bylaws and Standing Rules. Even though each chapter has their own set of Bylaws the National Bylaws are the ultimate authority. Click below to open.

New Member Applications are Now Totally Online
Please direct prospective members to the website to join. (
Click on any "Join" button on the website to go directly to the New Member Application.
Or, open the Membership tab, and then open the "Join The Kiwi Club" page.
Payment of dues can now be made instantly by credit card or mailed in by check.
*Please note that we are no longer using paper forms.
This online method to join will speed up the membership process as well as streamline the workload for officers involved.
Kiwi Business Forms
To submit or use a form, click on the form name to open it, fill it in, and email or send it to the appropriate officer.