The Kiwi Kaleidoscope
National Newsletter of The Kiwi Club
Members Only Kiwi Group
Public Kiwi Group
We thank Mary Thrasher for providing the "Critters" artwork that is used throughout our website, and for managing our private Kiwi Facebook group!
Read the Latest Issue of the Kiwi Kaleidoscope Now!
See in the Pre-convention Issue for:
Convention Re-cap - Lots of memories were made in Savannah.
President's Message - A welcome from Vicki Valenciano Kubal
We welcome our most recent new members.
Read Previous Issues of the Kaleidoscope:
Printing and Viewing:
If you're using a pc (not a mac), you can right-click the .pdf and choose 'save as.' You can then save it onto your hard drive (on the desktop or in one of your folders). Open it from the new location, then click 'file'/print.
A Message from your Editor - Mary Richter Thrasher
Mary Richter Thrasher and Jane McDonald Jamison have produced the Kaleidoscope for over 32 years.
Jane has officially retired and Mary has once again taken the helm as Editor.
Well, it was bound to happen (eventually). Jane Jamison who has
faithfully written the KK for 32 years finally said ENOUGH! Can’t say
that I blame her.
I met Jane about 33 years ago when she was introduced to me as a former editor, writer (and got paid for it) and was willing to help me out as our former co-editor and co-founder Jan Brown Hanson went on to more glorious activities.
The Club couldn’t have asked a more qualified person to write this fledgling newsletter. She threw herself into the project in writing and setting up the newsletter, and I became the “artist.”
I’ve learned a lot from Jane. She’s a wealth of knowledge, on how to do things right when it comes to publishing (and other things). I can never step into her shoes, and I
won’t even try.
Thank you, Jane for your knowledge, your patience, and most of all your friendship over the past 32 years.
Lots and lots of Kiwi Hugs!