Kathy Schmidt Kuzminski
Second Vice President
Member of: Florida Suncoast Kiwi Chapter
Years as a Kiwi: 20
Kiwi Chapter Offices Held: 2008 — 2012 Florida Suncoast Secretary and Newsletter Editor, 2012-2016 — Florida Suncoast President, 2020-2024 — Florida Suncoast President
Other Organizations and Offices Held: Volunteered, Committee Chair and Chairperson for 8 years. (The Close Closet was a community outreach program where we collected and then distributed free clothing, shoes and accessories for men, women and children that were referred to us by local organizations). Fort Myers neighborhood, Recreation Committee for several years. Secretary of our local Mahjongg club for many years and now Secretary of our book club.
Personal: Flew out of LGA and JFK for 14 years, ORD and IOR for 17 years and IMA for 3 years. I became a widow in April 2021. I have had many leadership positions including but not limited to: Student Council President, JFK QWL committee. My husband passed away in 2021, as much as I miss my husband, it is very comforting to realize how much support I have surrounding me. There is my own family, my neighborhood family, my church family, and my fabulous Kiwi family to help me when needed.
Kiwi Goals: I would like to impress upon today's Flight Attendants, just how valuable it is to keep in touch with former co-workers after retiring from American Airlines. We Flight Attendants have something in common and we naturally gravitate toward each other. Although we are a social club, we are also a philanthropic one. Raising money to donate to worthy causes is an important role for Kiwi chapters. Joining and being a member of a Kiwi chapter is fun and rewarding but there are some real health benefits associated with staying social as well. Being with others can lighten your mood, make you feel happier, allows you to confide in others and /or they confide with you. It is good for our brain health and provides a sense of belonging and security. stay healthy... JOIN A KIWI CLUB.